Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Our Garden

This year we decided to plant a garden in the space outside of our apartment.
There were some really random things in it.

A ton of these purple things.

Half way removing all the random flowers.

Andrew busting up some dirt to mix in the mulch.

After! We put up a little fence to try to keep the neighborhood kids out of it.

These are the seed that need to sprout before we plant them.

This is what we have planted: tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, okra, carrots, potatoes and  red peppers. Hopefully we can keep it all alive so we can enjoy it in a few months! I think our little garden is so cute. We'll see if Andrew or I have a green thumb or not.

1 comment:

Christopher & Melissa said...

I love your garden! i hope you have some luck with it!

Sure love you guys! Let's do something fun soon!!!