Thursday, January 3, 2008


So, finally it's 2008 and already it's been interesting. A lot of things have happened since I last posted so I figured I better step up and update! Yay!

So,firstly, I have a wonderful boyfriend named Andrew. He's super cute and the nicest guy in the world who knows basically everything there is to know about cars, and he likes to talk, so I'm learning a bunch! I met his Mom and his younger brother a few days ago, they seemed to like me so that's good.I know his older brother, he works at Wally World too!
On New Years Andrew and I were both at work so we celebrated with sparkling grape juice and reeses ice cream...and lots of talking about all sorts of stuff. Music the most, then cooking.Yep, he's a keeper!
Work is Marriott is slower than molassas in January so it's hard to stay awake at times. Walmart is always fun and busy which makes time fly. I love it! Crazy Walmart shoppers!


Elizabeth and Russ said...

Hot stuff! About time you updated your blog, girlfriend!
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Meggie says HI

Leian Felton said...

So I just noticed you have a blog and yes, I read it all the way to the begining. First, Im not a stalker. Second, You and hubby are adorable! Third, I adore the doll you got him. Fourth, reading this made my day. And finally, I got super excited because you read a lot of books I do and even more excited because now I have more reading ideas. And the author of the percy Jackson books has another set. The Kane Chronicels! Im reading the red pyramid right now!. Hugs form the Feltons! Cant wait to read more!