Friday, September 30, 2011


Here are some of the books I've been reading lately.

Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood is odd.I'm almost done with it and it doesn't make any sense to me at all. I'm sensing a theme with this author.
This book the Blind Assassin was weird. It didn't make any sense until the last 10 pages.

These are super good and the first movie comes out March 23,2011!

Breaking Dawn comes out November 18,2011

My next book to read is called
Melissa and Christopher read it and watched the movie and they said that they liked it. I hope I do too!

Baby Madeline and other stuff.

Yay for new babies!!

I am an aunt again! I love it! This little bundle of joy joined us on Aug 16th! Isn't she cute!

Megan I guess wasn't too thrilled with the new addition just yet but Megan was loving it!

Other than that not too much is happening. Work is good for both of us and we finally got internet that actually works! Yay! So hopefully that means we can post more often!
I thought the parentheses was funny because it's true!
Andrew's work is actually moving his department down the road a little bit to have more room for them to work in.

Someone at Andrew's work took this picture the other day of these awesome rainbows. Our truck is front and center and it looks really pretty!

Andrew's Birthday!

Well Andrew had his 24th birthday on Aug. 9th.

We surprised him with a birthday party!

We had cake and icecream and pizza! Mom got him a gift card to Shoe Carnival!

Some of the guests!
The Farr Family
The Borget Family

My Momma and me!
Melanie had a really good time climbing on Andrew and Christopher! We had a good day. Happy Birthday Andrew!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Our Apartment

Our apartment is on the top!
The Living room
Andrew's center of operations

The kitchen

The hallway

The bathroom
Emily's center of operations
That's all for now. Sorry for the hiatus but our internet has been a thorn in my side for weeks. We're getting it fixed. More to come!